Thomas Lisowsky

Web Development

For a decade of my life, I've been working as a writer.

Now, I strive to become a great web developer.

Bootstrap, CSS & HTML

With Bootstrap, along with basic HTML and CSS, I ensure responsive design on all devices.

Javascript & JQuery

The scripting language and its popular library help me implement APIs and build advanced website functionality.


Basic knowledge of databases enables me to access and embed data from the website's backend.
I'm training my code muscles in both departments, although my experiences have shown me that I have a knack more for frontend development. Still, I am more than eager to learn all the technologies neccessary to be of help in your specific development environment.
I spent three years working professionally for a game development company in a design position. During the last year of my master studies in media science, I worked as an online-editor, and as of now, I am working as a backend web development employee in Berlin.
First, this site and whatever you see on it. I'm also working on creating my own API at the moment. Check out my Github for other kinds of stuff I am dabbling in.
In my workplace, I'm working diverse frontend and backend tasks utilizing the (sometimes still overwhelming) MVC system of ecommerce solution Shopware, all the while of course still learning to hold my own in the new development field.
It is currently °C outside in your area. Also, it should look something like this outdoors:

Yes, I just wanted to integrate a weather API here.
Thomas Lisowsky
Berlin, Germany